wine bottles at sunset

UPM Raflatac, Inc. v. Okanagan Label & Print Ltd., 2022 BCSC 1154

Can a general sales condition form part of a separate sales contract and thereby limit the liability of the seller? Yes, says the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the recent decision of UPM Raflatac, Inc. v. Okanagan Label & Print Ltd, 2022 BCSC 1154; particularly when the parties have done business together over a long period of time, and the buyer has routinely assented to the terms of the general sales conditions associated with each sales contract.

A section of a geode containing minerals.

S.B. v T.B., SKCA 65

S.B. v T.B., 2022 SKCA 65, is a recent decision where the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal offered guidance as to how assets of a trust partnership in mining and mineral rights should be valued in the context of dividing family property following a marital breakdown. In short, the correct approach to this valuation is “to determine the value of [the spouse’s] interests in the trust and whether and how much of it constitutes family property for the purposes of division.”