Early Career Scholars

The Desautels Centre supports doctoral, post-doctoral and early career scholars working on multi-disciplinary projects in law, business and the humanities as part of its mandate to foster rigorous analysis and study of family-run and privately-held businesses in Canada. The Centre sponsors several initiatives aimed at early career scholars through the Desautels Review and in collaboration with external partners.

Canadian Business History Association / L’association canadienne pour l’histoire des affairs

The Desautels Centre, through the Canadian Business History Association, has developed a Desautels Research Fund in Private Enterprise, History & Law. The program offers support for early career scholars to develop an academic article that takes an historical perspective on a Canadian family controlled or other private business, and considers its intersections or relationship with the law.

Learn more about the Canadian Business History Association

The Review of Enterprise and Trade Law's arctic tern.

The Review of Enterprise and Trade Law

Learn more about the Review of Enterprise and Trade Law.