Obligations X: Private Law and the State, Western University Faculty of Law (Banff, AB) – July 12-15, 2022


The Desautels Centre is a sponsor of the Tenth Biennial Conference on the Law of Obligations, which is hosted by Western University Faculty of Law. The biennial conference brings together legal scholars, judges and practitioners from throughout the common law world to discuss current issues in private law theory and doctrine. The theme of “Private Law and the State” will allow participants to explore numerous questions concerning the relationship between private law obligations and the state as a public institution.

The Desautels Centre will be represented by Professor Krish Maharaj, who will bring greetings and remarks on its behalf.

Dr. Krish Maharaj: https://law.robsonhall.com/faculty-staff/krish-maharaj/

Ob X Conference website: https://law.uwo.ca/conferences/obligationsx/index.html